How to Redeem a Coupon

This article details how to apply a coupon when you upgrade your subscription.

To get started, log in to your Fileinvite account and follow the steps below:

  1. At the left sidebar, click on Settings

  2. Under Settings, click on Plans & Billing

  3. At the Plans & Billing page, click on Subscribe

  4. You will be presented with the subscription options. Click on Billed Monthly or Billed Annually to match the type of plan you have a discount on e.g. if your Coupon is for a discounted Multi Monthly subscription, you'll select Billed Monthly; or if your coupon is for a discounted Pro Annual subscription, you'll select Billed Annually

  5. Just as we did with the billing type option, click on Change Plan to match the account type with the one in the coupon

  6. Click on Next at the bottom to confirm your selection

  7. Click on Next once you've reviewed your Subscription details

  8. You'll be taken to the Pre-Checkout window. Click on Apply coupon

  9. Add the coupon code. The submit arrow will become visible once you input the code, click on the arrow to continue

  10. Click Proceed to Checkout to upgrade your Subscription