This article details how to create a new Invite from a template. FileInvite provides several sample templates and you can create your own ones.
To get started, click Create New Invite, which is found at the top right corner of any FileInvite page.
From the invite creation screen, click Load Template.
In the Template Selection window, you'll see a list of the available templates, and a search option to narrow down the list.
- If you click on one template, the Load Template button will activate, allowing you to add the selected template to the invite.
- If you select more than one template, the Merge button will activate, this will take you through the steps to setup the invite using all the elements from the selected templates.
- On the first Merge Templates screen, you'll be able to select which request you'd like to use from each template. Hit Next when ready to continue.
- On the second screen of Merge Templates, you'll be able to select from drop-down menus, which template to take the Subject Line, Message, and Reminder Settings. Click Load when you are happy with your selections
Once you've completed selecting the template(s) options. you'll be taken back to the invite creation screen, where you can further edit the request you've added from your template(s), add Conctacts , modify the Subject, Due Date and reminders, etc. Once the invite is ready click Send Invite.
Note: By default, the email will come from you. But if you have team members in your account, you can end Send the invite and assign the notifications from it to another User, by clicking the box next to Point of Contact.