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  2. Invites
  3. Managing Returned Documents

Accessing a Contact's Client Portal

Each contact can access their own Client Portal and as the Invite sender, you can also access each contacts Client Portal. You can do this to view contact progress, and/or to fill out forms on a contact’s behalf

Tip: You can also share a Client Portal URL with other people working on a client's request.

To view a Client Portal, start in your Invites list. Find the sent Invite you want, and click its View icon.


In the Invite Overview page, find the client you want and click their View Portal link.


The Client Portal for the selected contact opens in a separate browser tab, reflecting exactly what the contact sees in their portal.


If needed, you can work on requests on the contact’s behalf. This is helpful, for example, if a contact emails you a form outside the Client Portal, and you want to upload it for them into their contact record.